Why Join Charlotte North Rotary Club?
There are 27 members of the Charlotte North Rotary Club. Most have belonged to the club for 10 years or longer. You might wonder, "Why did they join?" We asked them for you. Here's what they said...
I am a Rotarian to serve those in need...Dan Caldwell
My Father had polio and my Mother had Alzheimer's. I joined Rotary to work to eradicate those diseases so that others do not have to suffer...Jim Fretwell.
I am a Rotarian to make the world a better place through hand-on projects...Sean Gautam
Charlotte North Rotary Club is a great place to meet new people and for good contacts. It's a club where all members are working for a good purpose...Lee Tinsley
Being a Rotarian allows me to serve others in the company of others of like mind. Service is rewarding, giving back to the community and world...Charlie Willis
Rotary gives me the opportunity to meet and know important people in many areas of industry and commerce. I also participate in world-changing efforts such as the elimination of polio...Jim Pugh
Rotary gives me the opportunity to serve our community and world in a wide variety of ways. While doing this I get to know many good people who are service minded...Otis Crowder
I joined Charlotte North Rotary Club for fellowship with Rotarians. It provides me with the opportunity to serve youth and the needy in local and intenational communities...Ed Jackson
I joined Rotary for the wrong reason - to please a customer. But after knowing what Rotary is all about, I am grateful to that customer and always will be...Bill Farkouh
I am a Rotarian for the warm friendships and to be a part of events and projects that address the needs of our community...Nate McLamb
I belong to Rotary in order to work on Service Projects. Charlotte has been a wonderful place for my family and me to live and thrive over the years. I want to give back to the community...Jim Narus