Rotary Peace Walk
The Rotary Peace Walk is a community event in Charlotte, North Carolina, for those who care about Peace and want to make a positive impact.
Yes, Peace is an elusive goal but does that mean we don't do anything about it?
Rotary Peace Walk shows that in Diversity lies Unity.
In a conflict-ridden world, we need to effect changes at the grassroots level so that our future generations have a better appreciation for peace.
Rotary is bringing that change at the grassroots level with its many peace initiatives that create real impact.
Who, When, Where
Cost? Zero!
Who - Anyone between the ages of 0 to 150. We expect those who care for peace will participate in the Rotary Peace Walk, including adults, children, men, women of any nationality, religion or ethnicity.
When - Veteran's Day, November 11, 2014, from 1:00 to 3:00pm.
Where - at Freedom Park, 1900 East Boulevard, Charlotte, NC 28203 (Rain or Shine). Either park entrance may be used. The walk will take place around the duck pond/lake. Rain or shine.